

交流学习进入第四天,一大早顶着明媚的阳光进到清爽的教室听满脸笑意的Dr.D.Paul老师讲《Macroeconomics》之Money and Banks Tool。课堂上讨论了GDP的构成,从税收引入为什么要成为一个好公民和如何成为一个好公民,反映出大学教育的重要使命是培养合格的公民,课堂讨论十分热烈。对金钱及货币工具的阐述也深入浅出,很有意思。学生的作业在课前布置,考勤每节课在多媒体系统中进行,出勤成为考核学生的重要依据之一,缺勤两次,相应的行政管理人员在系统中会发现并进行谈话,无故缺勤三次便直接重修,课堂的参与、表现及作业汇报也计入系统中,成为平时成绩评分的依据,课堂管理十分严格,要求也十分具体。



Reports on the Teacher’s Exchange Program in Northwestern Polytechnic University (四)

On Aug.7th, the fourth day of the Teacher’s Exchange Program, we observed Dr. D. Paul’s classMacroeconomicsin the morning when the sun was shining brightly outside. This class discussed the chapter of Money and Banks Tool. Dr. Paul asked the students what is GDP and how to be a good citizen in terms of tax. The whole class had a warm discussion and then Dr. Paul gave an interesting lecture on money and banks tool. The attendance management is conducted in the online checking system, and student’s attendance is considered to be great reference in the finals. If the student is absent twice, relevant administrative staff would find out in the system and have a talk with that student. If there are three absences in the record, this course has to be retaken. Besides the attendance records, the students’ performance in class and assignments would also be recorded in the system which serve as part of the final grade.

As soon as we finished observing this class, we were asked to go to the President’s office. Mr. Xie introduced us the highly efficient CAMSII again in detail, which covered all the information of curriculums. He then introduced the university’s curriculum provision, specialty structures, requirements for acquisition of degrees and the evaluation mechanism to help and stimulate students to finish their studies. We had a thorough understanding of the administrative management of NPU through CAMSII and President Xie’s introduction.

Through our talk, it is clear to see that Mr. Xie knows everything about the whole school’s operation. He does everything by himself, improving curriculums, helping the students with their finals, choosing qualified teachers. All in all, the teaching principle of NPU is student-oriented and market-oriented, which is worth learning and using for reference.


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