    Accor Ibis Hotel Manager Training Program Students Return from France for Vacation

    During their vacation back to Chengdu, in the afternoon of August 24, Accor Ibis Hotel Manager Training Program students were invited back to campus to attend a party co-sponsored by Internatioal Exchange Dept. and School of Tourism of CDVTC.

    Firstly, Ms. Chen Yue-mei, Director of Int’l Exchange Dept. introduced the teachers and students present in the party and recalled the Accor Ibis Hotel Manager Training Program. Then, Ms. Lei Lin who is in charge of the Hotel Management major introduced the training program in more details.

    Five students shared their experiences, feelings and achivements when studied and lived in France. One-year study and life in France help them to be firm and persistent. We witnessed their growth and progress.

    Last but not least, Mr. Lai Bin, Principal of School of Tourism delivered a speech as sum-up. He praised the achievements and progress these students made during the past 1 year in France. He firmly believed that they can make more progress in the following 2 years’ study and wish them a big success.